The Queer Space

What is The Queer Space?

The Queer Space is a website designed to be a collection of proper resources for all queer people in one place. Our goal is to help queer people, especially queer youth find the right help they need. Whether that is hotlines, charities or just advice, we want be able to collectively bring all that to one place. Previously individuals have had to scour the internet looking for advice or help, not knowing where to look and knowing what is reliable or not. We want to change that and make help more accessible to everyone.

Due to the current climate in the world's media, trans people have become the main political football for government officials around the world on both the right and the left. This game of political football is making it increasingly difficult for trans people to access basic healthcare, education, legal recognition, and the right to publicly exist. 

Due to this fact, resources for trans people (particularly trans youth) are becoming harder to access, whether that's because its illegal to do so, the resources are being taken down out of fear, or simply because its becoming more and more difficult to identify want is a reliable source amongst all the misinformation online.

The queer space seeks to help with this ongoing issue. First they try to ban books on our existence. Then they try to ban our access to treatment and resources, and now they try to ban us even existing in public spaces. We will not stand for it, and that is the issue that The Queer Space seeks to solve, the suppression of our existence.

When I first started making The Queer Space it was about creating the resource that I wish I had when I first came out and was exploring my gender identity. But now its become something with a lot more of a purpose. A way to help those who's very existence is being attacked.

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